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Discussione: problema jqe360

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2013

    problema jqe360

    Ciao a tutti,
    Non so se è la sezione adatta, in caso non lo sia avvisatemi !
    Ho un problema per quanto riguarda il nuovo systemlink, il "famoso" jqe360 (LiNK).
    Dopo essermi registrato, aver aperto tutte le porte, abilitato il ping-patch, jqe360 funziona male ! Non vuole farmi accedere alle partite (proprio nessuna maledetta partita), posso solo crearne delle mie, alle quali raramente qualcuno accede. Succede pure a voi? (Gioco a cod mw3, e ho l'ultimo title update disponibile, quindi non credo sia quello il problema).

  2. #2
    Regular Member L'avatar di etomane
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2013

    problema jqe360

    Se il Tu te lo rileva, é sicuramente il firewall del router che te lo blocca , prova a disabilitarlo e se funzione lo riabiliti e ci crei un eccezione x l'infirizzo io della xbox

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2013
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da etomane Visualizza Messaggio
    Se il Tu te lo rileva, é sicuramente il firewall del router che te lo blocca , prova a disabilitarlo e se funzione lo riabiliti e ci crei un eccezione x l'infirizzo io della xbox
    In che senso se il TU me lo rileva ? Io ho aggiornato all'ultimo TU, cioè il 23 (parlo per quanto riguarda mw3) e non mi da nessun problema (nel senso che non mi scrive che bisogna aggiornarlo o altro), l'unica cosa che non va, è che non mi fa accedere alle partite, ma me le fa solo creare.

    P.S. : Cod mw3 per il momento è l'unico gioco supportato dal systemlink che ho, quindi non saprei dirvi se questo problema lo fa anche con altri o no...

  4. #4
    Regular Member L'avatar di etomane
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    Feb 2013

    problema jqe360

    Intendo quando apri il gioco ed accedi a sistem link il tu te lo rileva? O ti esce zero?

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2013
    Lo rileva, lo rileva !
    Quando cerco di accedere alle partite mi viene fuori la scritta "in attesa di connessione", il conteggio arriva fino a 4 e dopo di chè mi esce una schermata con scritto "impossibile connettersi al host" (o qualcosa del genere), però se faccio una mia partita privata nessun problema !

  6. #6
    Regular Member L'avatar di etomane
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    Feb 2013

    problema jqe360

    Rova a disattivare il firewall del router a me faceva lo stesso e poi ho risolto cosi

  7. #7
    Regular Member L'avatar di etomane
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    Feb 2013

    problema jqe360

    Devi entrare dentro il router

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2013
    Ho appena controllato, è già disattivato (il router è uno di quelli nuovi della telecom)

  9. #9
    Regular Member L'avatar di etomane
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    Feb 2013

    problema jqe360

    Alcuni router danno sti problemi , sei sicuro che e disattivato? Non basta aprire le porte in certi casi bisogna crere delle eccezioni nel firewall del router, comunque se dici che l'hai gia disattivato prima di entrare nelle room conttolla da pc sul sito di link le room che hanno il tuo stesso Tu

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2013
    porte aperte e firewall del router disattivato ! dopo appena torno a casa controllo sul sito di jqe360...

  11. #11
    Regular Member L'avatar di etomane
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    Feb 2013

    problema jqe360

    Mi raccomando metti l'ip fisso alla console e fai il test delle porte

  12. #12
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2013
    IP fisso impostato e dal test delle porte risulta tutto ok, probabilmente sarà sto cavolo di modem della telecom che rompe le scatole, domani vedo di farmi imprestare uno della d-link da un amico e poi vediamo

  13. #13
    Regular Member L'avatar di etomane
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    Feb 2013

    problema jqe360

    Sicuramente e il modem, gia ho sentito qualcun'altro che ha avuto problemi , fattelo prestare e vedi come va

  14. #14
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2013
    speriamo bene :/

  15. #15
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2013
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da etomane Visualizza Messaggio
    Sicuramente e il modem, gia ho sentito qualcun'altro che ha avuto problemi , fattelo prestare e vedi come va
    ho risolto, ho cambiato modem con uno della d-link ed ora funziona tutto alla perfezione ! ottimo, grazie mille
    solo un ultima domandina, dopo di chè si può tranquillamente chiudere il post.
    Io ho il "contpatch" disattivato, lo attivo o no ? So benissimo che il devlink deve essere disattivato e il pingpatch attivo, però per quanto riguarda il contpatch non saprei, cambia qualcosa se lo attivo ? E sopratutto a che serve ?

  16. #16
    Dolo-miticusss L'avatar di Babilozzo
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    Marmolada, Dolomiti

    Dash Launch

    Known Issues:

    - *** WARNING ***
    One of the testers observed a console reaching out to live despite liveblock only
    when fakelive or autofake was enabled. If you intend a keyvault to not get banned,
    do not use it on a glitch/jtag machine!
    - Autologin popup blob does not display properly... live with it.

    Currently the project is missing the following supported translations:
    Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese traditional

    Currently supplied translations:
    English, French, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, German, Italian, Polish

    The skin pack includes the sources used to skin dash launch as well as the
    string files if anyone wishes to create a translation to one of the above
    languages (inlcuding English, as I know my explanations are not always easy to
    understand.) Also included is a c# based editor for the string files to assist
    in translation.

    External fonts, background image and skins may be used by this,
    simply place skin.xzp and/or font.ttf and/or background.png (1020x720) beside
    default.xex. If neither location has a font file supplied the system font
    on flash will be used.

    Welcome to The Next Level

    at time of this writing, this is ONLY compatible with RETAIL kernel versions:
    jtag : 9199, 12611, 12625, 13146, 13599, 13604, 14699, 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202
    glitch : 13599, 13604, 14699, 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202
    glitch2: 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202

    ================================================== ==============================
    Overview - what it does
    ================================================== ==============================
    - It will launch a XeX or CON file from the path you specified in launch.ini
    as long as it's valid
    - Depending on the button you hold when the xbox is trying to load the NXE, it
    will divert to the xex/con tied to that button or return to default as
    defined in launch.ini
    - At boot time it is possible to subvert default item and/or NXE loading, but
    you must wait until the controller syncs to do so
    - Depending which button is held when closing miniblade in NXE (use Y button to
    close, release then hold a QL button) it will quick launch a CON or XEX
    from your ini file
    - allows one to patch kernel/xam at bootup with a freeBOOT patch style bin file
    from usb or hdd (in that order) must be in root of the device and be named
    "kxam.patch" and be no larger than 0x4000 bytes. Again, kxam.patch binary
    format is the same as a compiled freeboot patch bin, but uses real virtual
    addresses rather than offsets - as of 2.22 the first 32bit value must instead
    be the version of the kernel the patches apply to
    - with the included patch set, launch.xex acts as a helper to detect when
    xbox1 emulator loads, allowing memory unlock patch and xbox1 emulator
    to function together

    ================================================== ==============================
    ================================================== ==============================
    - have the required hacked kernel version installed on the console

    - get the installer to a place where you can run it, and do so. Follow onscreen
    instructions if any. The installer will prompt you if it needs to update the
    kernel/hv patches and will give you an opportunity to configure stuff.

    - edit the options, and dont forget to save them somewhere if you want them to
    be applied next boot. Don't forget to set configapp to the installer, so
    you can go to it any time via miniblades' system settings (hold RB to go to
    real system settings)

    - the back button is your friend if you are wondering what button to push

    ================================================== ==============================
    Updaters and Avatars
    ================================================== ==============================
    - this version of dash launch contains an update blocker that is enabled by
    default. There are two ways around this if you wish to install the bits and
    pieces used by the dash for kinect and avatars
    1 - place the updater that matches this version on removable media, and
    rename the folder from $SystemUpdate to $$ystemUpdate
    2 - place an ini where dash launch can find it and set the noupdater option
    to false - noupdater = false
    Updates seem to work best if memory stick is inserted while in official dash
    NOTE that some games WILL prompt you to update the console if avatars are
    not installed, this doesn't mean they have an update to actually put in, it
    just means it needs avatar/kinect bins/resources to run

    ================================================== ==============================
    ================================================== ==============================
    - if you are like me, and keep your consoles off the net then this option is
    for you. It's capable of blocking the resolution of the LIVE specific
    servers and does so by default, with an additional option in the ini file
    it will attempt to block access to all MS servers. The default option is
    set up to block only LIVE servers, which still allows programs like FSD to
    access covers and such. The blocks lists are:



    somedomain.com$ = ends with somedomain.com
    ^somesub.somedomain = starts with somesub.somedomain
    ^somesub.somedomain.com$ = is exactly somesub.somedomain.com

    ================================================== ==============================
    Important - going to NXE
    ================================================== ==============================
    - if you need to go back to NXE and have default item set in ini, HOLD RB while
    exiting game via miniblade or exit using one of the miniblade options like
    family settings

    ================================================== ==============================
    INI notes
    ================================================== ==============================
    -it's possible to have multiple ini files, priority is as they appear in the list
    (** it is NOT recommended to launch USB con/xex from hdd ini **)
    the first one found on the devices in that order will be the one used at boot.
    -see Jellycan Code - SimpleIni for more info on the ini parser

    ================================================== ==============================
    autoswap option functionality
    ================================================== ==============================
    GOD ie1:
    disk1 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\01 234567890123456789;
    will have 01234567890123456789.data folder beside it
    disk2 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\98 765432109876543210;
    will have 98765432109876543210.data folder beside it
    disk1 = Hdd:\games\somegame\disk1\default.xex;
    disk2 = Hdd:\games\somegame\disk2\default.xex;
    - GOD/NXE disk rips on the same media in the same folder will automatically
    be found with no special naming convention
    - EXTRACTED games with the naming above for each disk with the disk# folders all in
    the same folder on the same media will be found without an ini file
    - swapping between disks contained on different media is not supported

    ================================================== ==============================
    ================================================== ==============================
    The work herein is presented as-is, any risk is solely the end users
    responsibility. While all of us are sorry when unforseen things happen, not
    every situation or mistake can be accounted for before they have been
    spotted. Please use responsibly.

    ================================================== ==============================
    Support (report bugs/request features)
    ================================================== ==============================
    english: DashLaunch - RealModScene
    french/english: DashLaunch

    ================================================== ==============================
    ================================================== ==============================
    -Big thanks to those who opened the way and those who made it even more usable.
    -Thanks to Tux, Arbiter, stk, the2000, Corrupted, tk_saturn and Toddler for all
    the bugs you caught trying to sneak by
    -Thanks AmyGrrl for passing along the glitch and new ideas
    -Thanks to Tux, Ironman, JPizzle and Dionis Fernandez for helping procure a
    Jasper big block console to extend testing and fix NAND MU corruption bug
    Dionis - you went above and beyond
    -Thanks to vgcrepairs for providing the cygnos, dash launch likely wouldn't
    exist without one
    -Thanks to the FSD team, without your cheering this rewrite would have never been completed
    -Thanks to Nate and Anthony for constantly reminding me that no, I'm not alone
    -Thanks to FBDev and mojobojo for the data used for the patch options
    -Thanks to sm32
    -Thanks to unknown, you know why
    -Extra Special thanks to SpkLeader, Boflc, and LordXBig
    -Big thanks to Swizzy, the least bit for debugging readmes
    -Thanks to XeBuild, keeping us on our toes and up to date
    -Greetz to XeDev and RgLoader
    -Thanks to Team Xecuter for thinking towards the future
    -Thanks to vladstudio.com for "night launch"
    -Thanks to Razkar for always spotting the hard to spot bugs
    -shouts out to E Nellie and D33per, thanks to you this is still a sourceless release

    ~brought to you by cOz~

    ================================================== ==============================
    To Do
    ================================================== ==============================
    - everything else

    ================================================== ==============================
    Known Bugs
    ================================================== ==============================
    - some well used NAND images with earlier versions of DL already installed seem
    incapable of being updated with larger sized files, it is recommended for
    the time being to make a clean NAND image with the most recent/up to date
    image builder if you run into this issue
    - nxe disk rips when launched from 16197+ metro still work, if you get an err
    dismiss it and launch again (it's a resource busy issue in official dash)
    - I'm sure you'll find some bugs, please see the links earlier in this doc
    for a place to post them where they will be seen

    ; launch.xex V3.0 config file
    ; parsed by simpleIni Jellycan Code - SimpleIni
    ; currently supported devices and paths:
    ; internal hard disk Hdd:\
    ; usb memory stick Usb:\
    ; memory unit Mu:\
    ; USB memory unit UsbMu:\
    ; big block NAND mu FlashMu:\
    ; internal slim 4G mu IntMu:\
    ; internal corona 4g mu MmcMu:\
    ; CD/DVD Dvd:\ (not recommended to use this one)
    ; buttons can point to any xex, or any CON with default.xex in it on any of the above devices
    ; note that Right Bumper is ALWAYS default to return NXE
    ; if you want to assign an additional one, use the path Sfc:\dash.xex ie:
    ; BUT_A = Sfc:\dash.xex

    ; all comments and fields in this file are optional, you can remove anything you don't need
    ; sorry for any double negatives
    ; njoy, cOz

    ; example entry
    ; Default = Hdd:\FreeStyle\default.xex
    BUT_A =
    BUT_B =
    BUT_X =
    BUT_Y =
    Start =
    Back =
    LBump =
    ; Default is what loads when you hold no buttons
    ; leave this blank if you want NXE as default
    Default =

    ; at boot time, default can be overridden based on how the console is turned on
    ; if you start with wired/wireless/IR guide button, this item if existing will be used instead of default
    ; note that the Guide item is ALWAYS overridden by option: remotenxe = true
    Guide =
    ; if you power on with the button on the front of the console (or the power button on a remote if remotenxe is not set to true)
    ; this item will be used instead of default
    Power =

    ; if set, going to system settings from HUD will run this app, override with Right Bumper
    Configapp =

    ; if set, this will be run as a title before any other option occurs, does not get circumvented by held buttons or default
    ; guide/power opts are processed after this; intended for a short video player to allow replacing bootanim
    Fakeanim =

    ; by default this only dumps to UART, setting a file here will cause unhandled exception info to be dumped
    ; as text to a file. Same path restraints as the quick launch buttons.
    ; if exchandler is set to false, this option does nothing.
    ; note that this uses the first drive of the class found, so if you use usb: and have more than one usb device
    ; it may wind up on any of the usb devices depending on which was enumerated first. The path for the file is only
    ; checked on boot, so the device must be present at power on and at crash time for this to be effective
    ; ie: dumpfile = Usb:\crashlog.txt
    Dumpfile =

    ; example plugin entry
    ; plugin1 = Usb:\plugin\aplugin.xex
    plugin1 =
    plugin2 =
    plugin3 =
    plugin4 =
    plugin5 =

    ; these options are never used directly by dash launch but serve to give the configuration program
    ; a place to keep these values
    ; if true, the configuration application will start a FTP server (user/pass: xbox)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    ftpserv = false

    ; if ftpserv is true, this is the port that will be used by the FTP server
    ; if not present default is 21
    ftpport = 21

    ; if true, the configuration application will start in launch mode instead of options mode
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    calaunch = false

    ; if true, temps in installer and in guide (shuttemps option) will be shown in farenheit instead of celcius
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    farenheit = false

    ; if true, brining up miniblade in NXE and then pressing Y will cause launch.xex to relaunch for you
    ; note you must release Y button then press desired QuickLaunchButtons after or use default item
    ; if not present default is TRUE
    nxemini = true

    ; if true ping limit will be removed for system link play (thanks FBDev!)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    pingpatch = false

    ; if true (most) xbla will no longer need yaris patching (thanks mojobojo!)
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    contpatch = false

    ; Normally when a fatal error occurs the xbox will just freeze, setting this to false will cause a reboot or powerdown
    ; setting to TRUE will also disable the unhandled exception filter which tries to intercept recoverable unhandled exceptions with exit to dash
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    fatalfreeze = false

    ; when fatalfreeze is set to false, setting this to true will cause the box to reboot, setting it to false will instead have the box shut down
    ; note that this option does NOTHING when fatalfreeze is set to true
    ; if not present default is FALSE
    fatalreboot = false

    ; setting this to true will cause the box to reboot (soft reboot) the way it was intended to
    ; on jtag ONLY set this to true if using blackaddr's reboot fix for SMC, else on reboot you will get E71 and corrupted dash/video/etc settings
    ; if not present default is TRUE
    safereboot = true

    ; when set to true, it is possible to hold RB when launching a game to have the region that the game gets from xam spoofed
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    regionspoof = false

    ; when regionspoof is true, you set your region here in hex preceding the value with 0x, for examle devkit would be region = 0x7fff
    ; if not present but regionspoof is set to true, this is set to 0x7FFF
    region = 0x7FFF

    ; when set to false, ejecting a dvd video or game returns you to your default item, set to true to auto exit to NXE
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    dvdexitdash = false

    ; when set to false, using the exit item in an XBLA game returns you to your default item, set to true to exit to NXE arcade menu
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    xblaexitdash = false

    ; when set to true, using miniblades system setting options will not exit to NXE
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    nosysexit = false

    ; when set to true, miniblades will not appear... ever (requested as child saftey measure)
    ; note that using this option overrides everything in dash launch that relies on miniblade exits to function
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    nohud = false

    ; when set to false, xbox will be capable of finding system updaters
    ; if not present this is set to TRUE
    noupdater = true

    ; when set to true, dash launch will put all debug strings out to uart
    ; if not present this is set to FALSE
    debugout = false

    ; when set to false, dash launch will not attempt to handle last chance unhandled exceptions
    ; if set to false, exceptions will also not be dumped to the dumpfile
    ; if not present this is set to TRUE
    exchandler = true

    ; if set to true, this will block the console from resolving LIVE related dns
    ; if not set this value will be TRUE
    liveblock = true

    ; if liveblock is set to true, this will block the console from resolving all MS related dns
    ; setting this to TRUE will also block apps like freestyle from accessing things like cover images
    ; *** note that if NO INI is present for launch.xex, this is set to TRUE
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    livestrong = false

    ; when set to TRUE the X (guide) and power button on IR remotes will cause the xbox to boot to NXE instead of default item
    ; note that powering on with the windows/start button automatically goes to NXE's media center now regardless of how this is set
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    remotenxe = false

    ; when set to TRUE all USB drives will be polled at hddtimer intervals for the file "alive.txt" in their root
    ; if the file exists, it will be recreated and 16 random bytes written to it on each poll which should keep drives from spinning down
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    hddalive = false

    ; in seconds, the interval between when USB devices will be polled for "alive.txt" file
    ; if not set and hddalive is set to TRUE this value will be 210
    hddtimer = 210

    ; attempts to disable popups related to signing in, like "live is blocked" and similar
    ; !! to sign into live profiles other than auto signing on boot you MUST accept the 'check live for updates' dialog BEFORE enabling this option !!
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    signnotice = false

    ; when you hold guide button to shut down xbox, normally the 'cancel' option is selected
    ; setting this to TRUE will cause the shutdown option to be auto selected instead
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    autoshut = false

    ; when you hold guide button to shut down xbox, normally a dialog comes up
    ; setting this to TRUE will cause the console to shutdown instead of show a dialog
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    autooff = false

    ; 14699+ has native http functions, but you are forced to be logged into use them
    ; this patch removes that restriction, set to false to disable it if you have any problems
    ; if not set this value will be TRUE
    xhttp = true

    ; when tempbcast is set to TRUE the raw temp data from smc will be broadcast over UDP at temptime second
    ; intervals on port tempport
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    tempbcast = false
    ; if not set this value will be 10
    temptime = 10
    ; if not set this value will be 7030
    tempport = 7030

    ; when set to TRUE all titles will have the insecure socket priveledge
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    sockpatch = false

    ; when set to TRUE dash launch will not erase launchdata before launching a quick launch item
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    passlaunch = false

    ; when set to TRUE various functions will be spoofed to make firmware think it's connected to LIVE
    ; this does not compensate for the fact that it cannot contact LIVE servers
    ; setting this to TRUE forces liveblock to TRUE
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    fakelive = false

    ; when set to TRUE network/cloud storage options should not show up in disk dialogs
    ; if not set this value will be TRUE
    nonetstore = true

    ; when set to TRUE a snapshot of the console temperature data will be displayed in the console shutdown dialog (displayed when guide button is held)
    ; enabling this option disables autooff
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    shuttemps = false

    ; when true, any devkit profiles on the console will not appear as corrupt and can be used
    ; any changes such as saving games or getting achievements will resign the profile with the current/retail keyvault
    ; this seems not to affect glitch/jtag dev crossflash, but could affect these profiles on true devkits
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    devprof = false

    ; when true, system link data will be encrypted for communication with devkits
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    devlink = false

    ; when true dash launch will perform automatic disk swapping
    ; WARNING!! do not enable if you use FSD or swap.xex for this !!
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    autoswap = false

    ; when true, disables kinect health pseudo video at game launch
    ; if not set this value will be TRUE
    nohealth = true

    ; when true, disables dash locale setup screens when settings already exist
    ; if not set this value will be TRUE
    nooobe = true

    ; shen true dash launch will automatically enable fakelive functionality only during official dash and indie play sessions
    ; if not set this value will be FALSE
    autofake = false
    Ultima modifica di Babilozzo; 19-03-13 alle 23: 16
    Esplora i link spaziali dei Tutorial RGH fatti con le mie manine Sante
    «L'abitudine e' in tutte le cose il miglior maestro.» -- Plinio il vecchio, "Storia naturale"

  17. #17
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2013
    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Babilozzo Visualizza Messaggio

    Dash Launch

    Known Issues:

    - *** WARNING ***
    One of the testers observed a console reaching out to live despite liveblock only
    when fakelive or autofake was enabled. If you intend a keyvault to not get banned,
    do not use it on a glitch/jtag machine!
    - Autologin popup blob does not display properly... live with it.

    Currently the project is missing the following supported translations:
    Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified, Chinese traditional

    Currently supplied translations:
    English, French, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, German, Italian, Polish

    The skin pack includes the sources used to skin dash launch as well as the
    string files if anyone wishes to create a translation to one of the above
    languages (inlcuding English, as I know my explanations are not always easy to
    understand.) Also included is a c# based editor for the string files to assist
    in translation.

    External fonts, background image and skins may be used by this,
    simply place skin.xzp and/or font.ttf and/or background.png (1020x720) beside
    default.xex. If neither location has a font file supplied the system font
    on flash will be used.

    Welcome to The Next Level

    at time of this writing, this is ONLY compatible with RETAIL kernel versions:
    jtag : 9199, 12611, 12625, 13146, 13599, 13604, 14699, 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202
    glitch : 13599, 13604, 14699, 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202
    glitch2: 14717, 14719, 15574, 16197, 16202

    ================================================== ==============================
    Overview - what it does
    ================================================== ==============================
    - It will launch a XeX or CON file from the path you specified in launch.ini
    as long as it's valid
    - Depending on the button you hold when the xbox is trying to load the NXE, it
    will divert to the xex/con tied to that button or return to default as
    defined in launch.ini
    - At boot time it is possible to subvert default item and/or NXE loading, but
    you must wait until the controller syncs to do so
    - Depending which button is held when closing miniblade in NXE (use Y button to
    close, release then hold a QL button) it will quick launch a CON or XEX
    from your ini file
    - allows one to patch kernel/xam at bootup with a freeBOOT patch style bin file
    from usb or hdd (in that order) must be in root of the device and be named
    "kxam.patch" and be no larger than 0x4000 bytes. Again, kxam.patch binary
    format is the same as a compiled freeboot patch bin, but uses real virtual
    addresses rather than offsets - as of 2.22 the first 32bit value must instead
    be the version of the kernel the patches apply to
    - with the included patch set, launch.xex acts as a helper to detect when
    xbox1 emulator loads, allowing memory unlock patch and xbox1 emulator
    to function together

    ================================================== ==============================
    ================================================== ==============================
    - have the required hacked kernel version installed on the console

    - get the installer to a place where you can run it, and do so. Follow onscreen
    instructions if any. The installer will prompt you if it needs to update the
    kernel/hv patches and will give you an opportunity to configure stuff.

    - edit the options, and dont forget to save them somewhere if you want them to
    be applied next boot. Don't forget to set configapp to the installer, so
    you can go to it any time via miniblades' system settings (hold RB to go to
    real system settings)

    - the back button is your friend if you are wondering what button to push

    ================================================== ==============================
    Updaters and Avatars
    ================================================== ==============================
    - this version of dash launch contains an update blocker that is enabled by
    default. There are two ways around this if you wish to install the bits and
    pieces used by the dash for kinect and avatars
    1 - place the updater that matches this version on removable media, and
    rename the folder from $SystemUpdate to $$ystemUpdate
    2 - place an ini where dash launch can find it and set the noupdater option
    to false - noupdater = false
    Updates seem to work best if memory stick is inserted while in official dash
    NOTE that some games WILL prompt you to update the console if avatars are
    not installed, this doesn't mean they have an update to actually put in, it
    just means it needs avatar/kinect bins/resources to run

    ================================================== ==============================
    ================================================== ==============================
    - if you are like me, and keep your consoles off the net then this option is
    for you. It's capable of blocking the resolution of the LIVE specific
    servers and does so by default, with an additional option in the ini file
    it will attempt to block access to all MS servers. The default option is
    set up to block only LIVE servers, which still allows programs like FSD to
    access covers and such. The blocks lists are:



    somedomain.com$ = ends with somedomain.com
    ^somesub.somedomain = starts with somesub.somedomain
    ^somesub.somedomain.com$ = is exactly somesub.somedomain.com

    ================================================== ==============================
    Important - going to NXE
    ================================================== ==============================
    - if you need to go back to NXE and have default item set in ini, HOLD RB while
    exiting game via miniblade or exit using one of the miniblade options like
    family settings

    ================================================== ==============================
    INI notes
    ================================================== ==============================
    -it's possible to have multiple ini files, priority is as they appear in the list
    (** it is NOT recommended to launch USB con/xex from hdd ini **)
    the first one found on the devices in that order will be the one used at boot.
    -see Jellycan Code - SimpleIni for more info on the ini parser

    ================================================== ==============================
    autoswap option functionality
    ================================================== ==============================
    GOD ie1:
    disk1 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\01 234567890123456789;
    will have 01234567890123456789.data folder beside it
    disk2 = Hdd:\Content\0000000000000000\01234567\00004000\98 765432109876543210;
    will have 98765432109876543210.data folder beside it
    disk1 = Hdd:\games\somegame\disk1\default.xex;
    disk2 = Hdd:\games\somegame\disk2\default.xex;
    - GOD/NXE disk rips on the same media in the same folder will automatically
    be found with no special naming convention
    - EXTRACTED games with the naming above for each disk with the disk# folders all in
    the same folder on the same media will be found without an ini file
    - swapping between disks contained on different media is not supported

    ================================================== ==============================
    ================================================== ==============================
    The work herein is presented as-is, any risk is solely the end users
    responsibility. While all of us are sorry when unforseen things happen, not
    every situation or mistake can be accounted for before they have been
    spotted. Please use responsibly.

    ================================================== ==============================
    Support (report bugs/request features)
    ================================================== ==============================
    english: DashLaunch - RealModScene
    french/english: DashLaunch

    ================================================== ==============================
    ================================================== ==============================
    -Big thanks to those who opened the way and those who made it even more usable.
    -Thanks to Tux, Arbiter, stk, the2000, Corrupted, tk_saturn and Toddler for all
    the bugs you caught trying to sneak by
    -Thanks AmyGrrl for passing along the glitch and new ideas
    -Thanks to Tux, Ironman, JPizzle and Dionis Fernandez for helping procure a
    Jasper big block console to extend testing and fix NAND MU corruption bug
    Dionis - you went above and beyond
    -Thanks to vgcrepairs for providing the cygnos, dash launch likely wouldn't
    exist without one
    -Thanks to the FSD team, without your cheering this rewrite would have never been completed
    -Thanks to Nate and Anthony for constantly reminding me that no, I'm not alone
    -Thanks to FBDev and mojobojo for the data used for the patch options
    -Thanks to sm32
    -Thanks to unknown, you know why
    -Extra Special thanks to SpkLeader, Boflc, and LordXBig
    -Big thanks to Swizzy, the least bit for debugging readmes
    -Thanks to XeBuild, keeping us on our toes and up to date
    -Greetz to XeDev and RgLoader
    -Thanks to Team Xecuter for thinking towards the future
    -Thanks to vladstudio.com for "night launch"
    -Thanks to Razkar for always spotting the hard to spot bugs
    -shouts out to E Nellie and D33per, thanks to you this is still a sourceless release

    ~brought to you by cOz~

    ================================================== ==============================
    To Do
    ================================================== ==============================
    - everything else

    ================================================== ==============================
    Known Bugs
    ================================================== ==============================
    - some well used NAND images with earlier versions of DL already installed seem
    incapable of being updated with larger sized files, it is recommended for
    the time being to make a clean NAND image with the most recent/up to date
    image builder if you run into this issue
    - nxe disk rips when launched from 16197+ metro still work, if you get an err
    dismiss it and launch again (it's a resource busy issue in official dash)
    - I'm sure you'll find some bugs, please see the links earlier in this doc
    for a place to post them where they will be seen
    In parole povere, sto "contpatch" o come cavolo si chiama, deve essere attivo o no ? xD

  18. #18
    Dolo-miticusss L'avatar di Babilozzo
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    Marmolada, Dolomiti
    riguarda il post che l'ho editato e ho aggiunto più precisamente l'info launch.ini
    Esplora i link spaziali dei Tutorial RGH fatti con le mie manine Sante
    «L'abitudine e' in tutte le cose il miglior maestro.» -- Plinio il vecchio, "Storia naturale"

  19. #19
    Vip Member L'avatar di alexpierotti
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2012
    Chiedo alloggio al Pusher
    serve solo per sbloccare in automatico le dlc senza patcharle con programmi com xm360 etc.....
    PS: non è infallibile, nel senso che se una dlc non te la 'legge' la tua xbox, deve essere sbloccata con xm360 ad esempio.

    Ai fini dell'on-line penso che sia insignificante, per cui ti consiglio di metterla a true..... magari aspetta qualche luminare, ma credo di non averti dato una info errata

  20. #20
    Dolo-miticusss L'avatar di Babilozzo
    Data Registrazione
    May 2012
    Marmolada, Dolomiti
    @alexpierotti; così mi togli tutto il divertimento che tristezza. heheh. lol
    cmq c'è scritto chiaramente a cosa serve e come deve essere settato, leggendo leggendo leggendo leggendooo... hahah
    Ultima modifica di Babilozzo; 19-03-13 alle 23: 26
    Esplora i link spaziali dei Tutorial RGH fatti con le mie manine Sante
    «L'abitudine e' in tutte le cose il miglior maestro.» -- Plinio il vecchio, "Storia naturale"

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