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Discussione: Rilasciato downgrade pack per PSOS 3.70

  1. #1
    Regular Member L'avatar di 3ntropY
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    Rilasciato downgrade pack per PSOS 3.70

    Breaking news sul fronte hack PS3. A poche ore dalla notizia della possibilità di downgradare le PS3 aventi il firmware 3.70 arriva il pack contenente i file necessari per svolgere l'operazione. File funzionanti su Tensy++ e su ProgSeek

    Grazie al team italiano DiGiTaL AnGeL e all'operato del talentuoso hacker spagnolo Dospietras è possibile riportare il CFW di Kmeaw sulle PS3 aggiornate al PSOS 3.70.
    Di seguito il link al downloa e le note di rilascio in lingua inglese:

    Hello everyone, i finally got it, we have a downgrader for slims consoles , this time a bit different that i did with fat models, i made it by the two flashers, progskeet and teensy ++,dope

    We need:
    fat or slim console with nor updated to 3.70 “DO NOT TRY With ANOTHER VERSION”
    Solution to write and read the nor of the console ( flasher progskeet or teensy + +)
    hxd program (which I use to edit hex)
    FlowRebuilder v.
    a cold beer (this is important)
    Downgrade.bin Http://pastebin.com/yuvJ5Leh

    First we dump our NOR with a flasher, the file size must be “16,777,216 bytes” no byte more or a byte less, take several to be absolutely sure of what you do..get the dump “example jakemcallister.bin”and we have to get it in flowrebuilder to make it readable,the option is called bytereverse dump and extract

    we do it and we will have a file but the extension will be bin.REV open it with the hxd and take out our personal data of the console EID, BOOTLOADER, CSID and METLDR

    no need to put more data
    We get it with the following way:in this case we get our METLDR in our prepatched image for downgrade attached in this tutorial
    inside the folder where flowrebuilder had placed our.rev also has created another folder called “nameofthedump.EXT”in there are our personal files of our console and we need to get some to place em inside the pre-patched image that i attached

    Open the hxd and open downgrade.bin and the metldr file that is inside the folder asecure_loader, we pick the tab on the hxd metldr and copy all the HEX content to get in inside the downgrade.bin
    press control + g and write "820"thats the position of the metldr right click on the first line of the position 820
    And choose “paste writing” and in the same way we introduce the other ones
    the files to get in are:
    METLDR: offset“810″ size “E960″
    BOOTLOADER_0 Offset“FC0000″ size “40000″
    EID: Offset “2F000″ size “10000″
    CISD: Offset“3F000″ size “800″

    then we take the downgrade.bin with the saved changes and we get in flowrebuilder with the option bytereverse dump and extract
    This time the program will give us a error, but is a normal error, in fact is okay and will give us a file called downgrade.bin.REV

    And thats the file you have to get in in the "flash" console
    if all went well at writing ,turn on the console and you will see in the screen press the ps button or in English push ps button, DONT PRESS ANYTHING, turn off the console and put it in factory service mode, once done we need to put the correct file system for 3.55 lv2diag of jaicrab without reader and a special cfw

    lv2diag:http://www.logic-sunrise.com/telecharge … icrab.html
    cfw: http://www.multiupload.com/4S6NGO13H4 - Pastebin.com turn onthe console with the usbstick with these two files in the right usb port (in the last) of the console and it will shut down for 10 / 15 minutes, turn on the console without any usb connected to verify that you did it correctly it will take you to xmb,
    If all went well turn off the console and put your lv2diag
    FILE2 of this pack:http://www.mediafire.com/?b07qrb96iz99ibb - Pastebin.com

    the console will turn on for 20 seconds will turn off itself and CONGRATULATIONS you have your console in functional 100% and kmeaw cfw 3.55 100%

    Thanks to:
    DiGiTaLAnGeL (Tester with progskeet)
    Glevand & mfw builder team (cfw)
    NDT (Assistant) is a very good person
    JaiCraB (lv2diag without reader)
    Robs1 (my guide with the nor flash)
    EussNL (his great support in the wiki that I use every day PS3DEVWIKI.COM)
    Defyboy (for creating ps3devwiki)
    To the whole channel darkps3 from irc-hispano.org for their support and many hours of testing we have hit hard mother****ers!
    DemonHades (because if you had not post on your website with the lie you said about me, I had not met DigitalAngel or uf6667and these two helped me a lot)

    and finally to the people who asked me in private to place a donate paypal button

    greetings and from now on i will resume my work with the dual nand and that dump 3.6x that gives me so many problems hehehe

    Ive updated the position of METLDR that was misplaced offset 810 " e960"size
    Anteprime Allegate Anteprime Allegate Rilasciato downgrade pack per PSOS 3.70-3.70-dg.jpg  
    Ultima modifica di 3ntropY; 17-08-11 alle 19: 00

  2. #2
    The Banhammer! L'avatar di Razorbacktrack
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2011
    Avete gia testato la procedura ? è molto semplice,soprattutto ora che è uscito un software per fare in automatico quello che si doveva fare con l'hex editor ( http://www.multiupload.com/AE8W5HADWM )


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