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  • 2 Post By professor_jonny
  • 1 Post By professor_jonny

Discussione: Xbox360 16tb usb patch in works

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2021

    xbox360 16tb usb patch in works

    Eaton has decided to add support for external drives exceeding 2tb by a prity extensive patch to the kernel to add scsi commands.

    More info here:


    Of note the patch is now completed and fatxplorer is being updated to format the updated partitioning as the kernel is unable to format this extended partition format (yet)
    Ultima modifica di professor_jonny; 05-09-21 alle 01: 25
    Babilozzo and Pa0l0ne like this.

  2. #2
    Vip Member L'avatar di thunderbirddd
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2013
    seguo con interesse
    Magari se si sa dove prendere la patch anche in versione beta per fare dei test

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2021
    The patch will be released with jrunner when it is ready.
    We have a list of testers that will get to iron out bugs first before it makes it to the community.

    The patch is fully implemented into the kernel but currently there is no software to format to the new varable cluster format so until fat xprorer formatting tools are finished the patch will be useless to most xbox users.
    Babilozzo likes this.


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